SAGE 2015-2016

Deal duration
Status licence
  • Dutch university staff is able to publish open access in 150 selected journals as corresponding author. They will be notified automatically by SAGE on the basis of their email. The domain name of the university has to be present in the email. The notice will include an open access license form. After receiving a filled out form the article will be published with a CC.BY.3.0 license in SAGE choice. 

  • Dutch corresponding authors are able to receive a substantial discount. In 2016 they can publish their article for 200GBP/375USD in open access in other SAGE journals. Do you want to be eligible for this discount? Please send a standard license form to the editor of the journal after your publication has been accepted on whick you notify her/him that you want to publish in open access- SAGE Choice. You will be sent the SAGE Choice OA license. to use this discount, you have to fill in code "UKB90" on the SAGE Choice form.

Meer informatie

More information on the SAGE OA-website and the VSNU website.

Link to the contract (this version of the contract discloses “the License Details page including Attachment 1, Customer and Licensee Information and The Product Terms including Schedules”).

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