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After a thorough preparation the UKB project group for national open access monitoring has now started the actual pilot in which publication data of

The national partnership of university libraries and the National Library of the Netherlands, UKB, monitors the peer-reviewed articles that appear in open acces

Today the VSNU announced that the Dutch universities have published 73% of their academic articles Open Access in 2020. 

In cooperation with the repository managers of scholarly institutions and the many researchers in the Netherlands, 900,000 scholarly publications are now accessible via NARCIS!

On February 13, the 10,000th open access article was administered published in the year 2019 within the national agreements with publishers.

In the context of monitoring open access to publications, DANS has again made an analysis of the publications in NARCIS from the repositories of Dutch universities.

Two employees of Utrecht University Library, Jeroen Bosman and Bianca Kramer, have measured how many articles and reviews of researchers from Dutch universities have been published open access.

At the end of 2014, open access publishing in the Netherlands entered a new phase with the achievement of an open access component in the existing agreement (Big Deal) between the Dutch universiti

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